Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What is Design?

Today, I learn what design is all about.
Design is everywhere. The chair that we are sitting on, the computer monitor that you are looking at or even the layout of this blog is created by following a design process.

Langostas (lobster) chairs by Margen design. (picture taken from

Sculptural plywood furniture by brothers Jon and Kevin Racek head Stew. (picture taken from

We learned about function and aesthetics. Two factors that are often difficult to be managed by designers. While a lot of designers are often concerned with the aesthetics of their product, the functionality is often compromised.

Take for example the two chairs shown above, lobster chair and sculptural plywood chair. While they might be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, I really wonder how comfortable they are.


Design is about being innovative. One good example is the use of foam as a material for furniture. Gone are the days when timber is the only material used for furniture making.